Significant piece of modern architecture under threat in New Orleans. Please take a moment to sign the petition at the link below.

Dear friends,
On behalf of DOCOMOMO US/ Louisiana I ask you to consider signing an online petition to save the historic modern Phillis Wheatley Elementary School which is threatened with demolition. This petition was started by Phyllis Montana-Leblanc. PML spoke passionately at Friday's hearing before the Historic District Landmarks Commission in defense of her alma mater, "If you tear down my school, a part of me dies with it."
Unfortunately we have learned that there will NOT be a review before the City Council and an RFP has been issued for the demolition. Apparently since this is a city-initiated demolition (Orleans Parish School Board via Recovery School District) of a city-owned building, the City Council is not required to review the demolition request. Still, we remain dedicated to the call to preserve the Wheatley School which was listed on the World Monuments Fund Watch in 2010.
We hope to gather more than 2000 signatures and present the petition to Mayor Landrieu and the City Council.
I'm so very grateful to Phyllis for coming forward and reminding me that there is still Hope.
This is truly our midnight hour.
If you have already signed and shared the petition with your friends, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Please consider joining DOCOMOMO US to help support the documentation and conservation of the building, sites and neighborhoods of the modern movement.Sincerely yours,
Francine Stock
Francine Stock